is the website a notebook? or is it a publication?

could it be some combination of both?

can there be a wiki which continues to be updated? as well as a chronological portion?

how can we allow multiple authors to update it?

is there a way to make it sort of beautiful like the markdown editor? but also sort of like wysiwyg? like you are modifying files directly?

it could also be nice perhaps, if the quality of being a notebook was more centered.

instead of the navigation at the top, there could be a more distribusi-style navigation perhaps?


still basically draming about a statically generated notebook/wiki

perhaps in a form similar to the way looks, but with something to make it feel a bit more sturdy

to feel sturdier like posting to ssb, like each edit is recorded as a sort of appending to a log, like the notes are synchronized multiple places

really it would be great if the wiki could also have multiple authors, to take away from this lone island thing